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Online, content is king. We can help you with your website, social presence, email marketing, online advertising and to create campaigns that cut through the noise.

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For over 5 years we have been supporting the Autism Research Trust to produce online content for their website and social media channels.

The challenge here is to consistently translate complex research papers into stories that the autistic community can both understand and relate to.

Every six months we also run reports to analyse the performance of their website and social media channels, and strategically suggest actions to improve their users' engagement.

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We have launched the website for the Autism Centre of Excellence (ACE), a new pioneering collaboration between research, clinical services and the autistic community. 



Bliss wanted to raise awareness about their cause, and show how traumatic life can be for newborns who are born sick or premature. This video was created with the invaluable collaboration from a parent of a premature baby, who provided the words, and the voiceover to this video.

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For MAG International we produced a set of key messages and a cohesive visual identity for their Christmas campaign to roll out across different channels. And we helped by developing a number of editable assets and frames for their social media channels.

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